Where are the *Required* IBM i PTFs for CLM?

It used to be that on-line help listed the PTFs you needed to (successfully) install and run CLM on the IBM i. Lately (since 4.0-ish), the references to IBM i PTFs required for CLM simply refer to the list of all available IBM i PTFs, like so:
For IBMi PTF's are required. For the latest IBM i Group PTFs, go to http://www-912.ibm.com/s_dir/sline003.nsf/GroupPTFs?OpenView&view=GroupPTFs
The link provided is the list of all PTFs, by OS release level. Are those all required? Even the ones for MQ? Of course not.
So, what IBM i PTFs are required for, say, CLM 4.0.4 with WAS Express 8.0 on IBM i 7.1? Where is that info?
Accepted answer

Hi Larry,
It mainly depends on whether you run just the Build System Toolkit (i.e. the agent) on IBM i, or whether you're running the Jazz Team Server on IBM i. As a general rule of thumb, apply the latest PTFs for the prerequisite components.
For just the agent: Apply the latest group PTFs for
- IBM i OS itself
- Java
For the server, apply the same PTFs as for the agent, plus:
- DB2 for IBM i
- WebSphere App Server (for the version of WebSphere you are using with the JTS)
- IBM HTTP Server for i
And if your builds or other processes depend on other products (e.g. RPG compilers, etc.) you should also include the latest PTFs for those as well.
I hope this helps,