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10 free licenses on two RTC servers

Liora Milbaum (513289118) | asked Jul 15 '12, 11:15 p.m.
converted Jul 15 '12, 11:19 p.m.
Is it possible to use the 10 free licenses option on two different RTC servers in the same company? My customer has two disconnected development teams which intend working with RTC. Can each development team use the 10 free RTC licenses option?

Accepted answer

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Rolf Nelson (617159) | answered Jul 25 '12, 1:50 p.m.
Yes.  It is legal to have two separate "10 free" on two separate JTS instances within the same company.   If you want 24x7 support for these users rather than just community support then you should consider buying the new RTC Developer for Workgroups Starter Pack for each of these "islands of users".  The Starter Pack is available in RTC 4.0 and later.
Liora Milbaum selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Rolf Nelson (617159) | answered Jul 16 '12, 9:44 a.m.
You can do this, however each server has to manage their own JTS and licensing.  You won't be able to share code changes across RTC repositories (distributed SCM).   And if you extended it to lots of separate JTS servers you would also find that each user (say a tester or developer) who needs to work across multiple JTS servers in RTC would have to have multiple licenses assigned to that user to perform "save" operations on multiple servers.   So for example if you had 3 JTS servers JTSA, JTSB and JTSC and a tester "Ian" who needs to edit work items in all 3 servers then Ian would need 3 licenses in each JTS A, B and C allocated to him.  

In RTC 4.0 we also have a new RTC Developer for Workgroups Starter Pack which will also give you 24x7 support for your "10 free" licenses so this might be something to look at as well as it can be combined with other licenses on the same JTS and the entire JTS would have 24x7 support, so you could have ONE Starter Pack on each JTS and then add say an RQM licenses to each.   (and it's cost effective, with US list at $600/user for a perpetual license, or term licenses at less then $25/user/month with an annual contract).  Note that the Starter Pack (like the 10 free) can only have one linstalled per licensed server group (usually per JTS server).

Liora Milbaum commented Jul 18 '12, 1:02 p.m.

Thanks Rolf for the detailed answer. The issue is a different one. My customer wants to know if it is legal for such a configuration. They are very strict with being compliant with IBM

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