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Requesting IBMi dependency build from ANT

1. Request dependency build
2. Request package
3. request deploy
I'm now trying to request the dependency build using <requestTeamBuild>, but I get the following error:
com.ibm.team.repository.common.LicenseNotGrantedException: An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=400. Message: CRJAZ1848E To perform the "com.ibm.teamz.build.rbe.dependency" operation,
the user (userid="ccm_user") must have one of the following licenses that are installed on the server:
Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms. The server administrator can assign licenses.
Why is it trying to run the build as the "ccm_user"? I'm specifying userId="RTCBUILDER" in the <requestTeamBuild> tag.
Any comment appreciated
One answer


Thanks a lot for your answer. I've updated the original text with my build xml.

Where does the error message show up - in the Ant console, or in the build log? i.e. is it failing to kick off the build, or is the build running but fails due to the license error.

I'm so sorry, I missed your answer (I didn't get en email notification). I'll watch it manually from now on.

With regard to your specifying the user on the jbe command line, I believe this means that jbe (and therefore the Ant build that gets kicked off) runs as user RTCBUILDER. And in your XML when you specify the user inside <requestteambuild> this is the user that REQUESTS the build, not the user under which the build runs. Have you tried giving "ccm_user" an enterprise license? Or if that's not an option, I would try setting JAZZ_USER=RTCBUILDER on the dependency build definition, to see if that gets the dependency build to run as something other than the default admin account.

Cool, I'll try setting the JAZZ_USER=RTCBUILDER and setting the enterprise license on ccm_user (I think I've already tried that, but I'll just verify that).

Just tried what we talked about:
Morten Madsen
Sep 23 '14, 4:30 a.m.Anyone?
Morten Madsen
Sep 25 '14, 5:47 a.m.bump
Morten Madsen
Oct 02 '14, 4:50 a.m.I'll try one last shot here:
Has anyone tried to run any enterprise extension related build from ANT? Seems like I'm being blocked by this error. I've even tried assigning an enterprise license to the builder AND the CCM user.
Still same error.