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Issue with Reverse Proxy using IBM HTTP Server

Frank Ning (50025119133) | asked Jul 12 '12, 6:32 a.m.
retagged Jul 13 '12, 4:57 a.m. by Arne Bister (2.6k12832)


I followed the CLM4 information center and the CLM 4 Admin Workshop to build the reverse proxy server with IBM HTTPS (V8). Two individual CLM 4 sandboxes were built. The reverse proxy works on one but not on the other.

>https://<hostname>/snoop does not work.

Appreciate if you have some tips to share.

Here are the details of settings on the non-working machine:

1) Web Server is defined in a Custom Node:

Type: IBM HTTP Server

Port: 80

Web Server Installation Location and Plugin locatuon are valid

Web Server Virtual Host: --> "Security enabled", "Copy to web server key store directory" was issued

Global Directive: "Server name": <full-hostname>:80; "Listen ports":;; "Copy to Web server key store directory" was issued"

2. The "DefaultApplication.ear" mapped to the web server and related WAS server. It uses "default_host" virtual host

3. default_host virtual host has the following host alias:

* --> 9080

* --> 80

* --> 9443

* --> 5060

* --> 5061

*--> 443

4. The WAS server has the following ports:

WC_defaulthost_secure: 9443


One answer

permanent link
Frank Ning (50025119133) | answered Jul 13 '12, 5:50 a.m.
It turned out that the web server defininition was renamed but the httpd.conf was not updated. After the update of httpd.conf, the issue was gone.

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