Need help in setting up reverse proxy server. Unable to launch IHS in 64 bit architecture
Dear Team,
I am setting up proxy server for CLM 6.0.5. Application server and IBM HTTP Server are located on different systems. WAS version is therefore I am using IHS to setup proxy server. WAS is 64 bit architecture and IHS is also 64 bit architecture. After generating a web server plugin from Application server console only plugin-cfg.xml file was generated and plugin-key.kdb, plugin-key.sth were not generated because of which I can not map security certificates into IHS therefore unable to access CLM using proxy server URL.
In one of the link -
We need to check architecture of our web server running this bat file
c:\IBM\HTTPServer\bin\versionInfo.bat - It's output was 64 bit
Then load the correct module from httpd file
c:/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/bin/<arch>/mod_was_ap24_http.dll - Here <arch> is either 64 or 32. By default value was set to 32bits. If I changed the value to 64bits because my IHS is 64 bits it won't allow me to start IHS and giving error : httpd.exe: Syntax error on line no 819 of httpd.conf. Can not load 64bit http.dll file into server: %1 is not a valid win32 applications
Please help me solve the issue. Is there anything I am missing here?