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Lars Fockele (22179) | asked Jul 12 '12, 4:51 a.m.

is it possible to create a CLM link between one or more test cases in RQM and a specific requirement in DOORS 9.4 (with DWA) with the RQM REST API?

Thank you in advance,

4 answers

permanent link
Robert Rassmann (9923) | answered Jul 12 '12, 4:34 p.m.
No, I think that you can display these types of links in the RQM REST API but you can't create them.  To do that you need to use the OSLC API.

permanent link
Suraj Amasebail (1111) | answered Apr 12 '13, 3:59 p.m.
 While in the DOORS requirement module, can I use the Dxl script to establish external link to the RQM test case? I will have the requirement ID and test case ID (with server URL) in a CSV file, write a Dxl script which will read from this CSV file and create the external links.

Since creating the links manually is very painful process (have to select each requirement - one at a time by navigating all the way till the view from top every time, very slow to open the requirement dialog, very narrow requirement dialog, etc) we are exploring the ways to automate the same by using dxl scripts. Please let us know if these are ways to achieve this using OSLC APIs or REST APIs.

permanent link
Sudarshan Rao (1963) | answered Apr 16 '13, 4:42 a.m.
You may not be able to achieve this through DXL, since functions around this area isn't yet exposed.

I don't know if you can achieve this through REST APIs. But if you have a list of requirement URLs in DOORS, and test case URLs in RQM between which links needs established, you can achieve this through OSLC. 
What you need to do is, do a GET on both the resources, insert the link details (RQM test case details in DOORS Requirement and vice versa) and then do a PUT back on those resources. I'd recommend you to create a couple of links using GUI and see what are the additional details related to link that's inserted, so you know exactly what should be the content for your PUT.

Before you do anything, ensure you've configured both applications Friends and Consumers list so that the two apps can interact with each other. From DOORS perspective, you need to have DOORS Web Access installed and configured.

You might want to take a look at OSLC Workshop, for sample on getting access to RQM and performing different operations. For DOORS, you could check Lyo/BuildClient (which contains RQM sample as well).

Hope that helps.

permanent link
Suraj Amasebail (1111) | answered Apr 16 '13, 10:54 a.m.
Thank you Sudarshan Rao!

I will check these information and will try out. I will update the status in this forum in few weeks.

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