Migrating from RQMi Links to DOORS-RQM OSLC
We are looking to upgrade RQM 3.0.1 to RQM 4.0.3, once it is released. We are also planning to upgrade DOORS to DOORS, at the same time. We want to migrate to from RQMi links to OSLC, as part of the upgrade, BUT the RQMi to OSLC migration is taking about 5 days for us in our test environment.
Apparently, we are not supposed to use DOORS during the migration.
5 days is a long time to shutdown DOORS. Are there ways to optimize the migration?
Accepted answer
Hi Paul
There are few things that mush be followed during the migration process.
Here are few hygiene factors that the Client must follow before they start the migration process:
Refer to the prerequisite mentioned in the link below
- Make sure that they do not move DOORS Server to a different machine (Physical machine), and use the same machine that was used by DOORS 9.3 Server
- Be careful when they created the cross server communications between DOORS and RQM and use the same root service as registered in the public URL.
Now, to answer your questions:
You can continue using DOORS during the RQMI migration process. The migration tool would skip the module that are open in exclusive edit. You can re-run the migration again at a later point for these modules.
There are a lot of data processing that happens during this process and that's the reason it would take time.
There is extensive logging available, we can check that for any failures. As I have mentioned any problem with a particular module or view would be skipped and migration would continue with the process. These logs can be found at logs -> C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.5\R
QMInterface\Migration (default location) .
There aren't any ways to optimize this process.
There are few things that mush be followed during the migration process.
Here are few hygiene factors that the Client must follow before they start the migration process:
Refer to the prerequisite mentioned in the link below
- Make sure that they do not move DOORS Server to a different machine (Physical machine), and use the same machine that was used by DOORS 9.3 Server
- Be careful when they created the cross server communications between DOORS and RQM and use the same root service as registered in the public URL.
Now, to answer your questions:
You can continue using DOORS during the RQMI migration process. The migration tool would skip the module that are open in exclusive edit. You can re-run the migration again at a later point for these modules.
There are a lot of data processing that happens during this process and that's the reason it would take time.
There is extensive logging available, we can check that for any failures. As I have mentioned any problem with a particular module or view would be skipped and migration would continue with the process. These logs can be found at logs -> C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.5\R
There aren't any ways to optimize this process.