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CCM fails after upgrade to 4.0

T M (8878188143) | asked Jul 11 '12, 4:33 p.m.

I just upgraded RTC to 4.0. Followed the upgrade steps and everything went fine. When I try to access the CCM application I get the below error:

The service "" failed to activate because a service it depends on, "", failed to be activated.ID CRJAZ1972E
JTS works fine.
Windows 2008 server (64-bit)
WAS 7.x
SQL Server 2008
Please let me know.

2 answers

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Jul 12 '12, 5:01 a.m.

I had a similar problem. Unfortunatly I do not exacly remember and didn't take any notes.

But in my case, CCM was not able to synch the users from JTS into CCM. The problem was something with the group membership or with the licensing of the account which is doing this synch or of the admin account which run the setup.

Sorry I do nor remember better, but maybe it gives you an idea.

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T M (8878188143) | answered Jul 16 '12, 12:00 p.m.

Thanks! The issue was the WAS cache. After clearing the cache it worked like a charm!

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