Jazz Reporting Service "Connect to Data Sources" error
3 answers
do you get any entry in the rs.log file when you get the error message in the WebUI?
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi
Indeed I did. And I see the problem. There is no slash of any kind between the server name and the instance name. This must be a bug in the RS setup since the data warehouse is not setup as part of the RS install - it pulls that data from JTS. So how do I fix this?
Here's another funny thing (aka bug) - the UI properly shows the backslash:
Above you indicate the topology as "WAS Server with DCC, RRDI, and JRS on Windows 2012". Are all three applications in the same WAS profile or are they in different profiles?
I believe all in one profile. But this is my first time using WAS. :-)
If I recall, DCC, RRDI and JRS are installed on disk into different folders in 502 (or at least JRS was). If you go to <installDir>/server/conf do you see both application folders for dcc and rs? The JAZZ_HOME custom JVM property in WAS must be set to the server/conf folder that contains all of the applications deployed to that profile. If the applications are not in the same server/conf folder, then they cannot be in the same WAS profile.
As for the SQL Server database location, JRS obtains that location URL directly from JTS. It does not modify it in any way. I have not seen this "SERVER|instance" notation before. In any case, as a JRS administrator you can go to the Data Sources page in JRS and manually create or modify the data warehouse connection information.