RQM DOORS Integration

After linking of Test case (in RQM) with Requirement (from DOORS), when we are trying to save in RQM, getting following error message.
"Unable to load /qm/proxy?uri=https%3A%2F%2F<servername>%3A8445%2Fdwa%2Frm%2Furn%3Arational%3A%3A1-4fd997ed38995647-O-2-00000020 status:409".
We are able to establish link, but not able to save.
Please let us know resolution of this problem.
4 answers

The work around is to close the openning module before save in the web.
Hope this helps,

Can you please state which version of RQM and DOORS you're using? The 409 - Conflict status usually occurs due to a concurrence issue over a certain resource being attempted to be updated while in use. Is the Test Case also related to Plan Items, Quality Tasks? Also, when you mention "We are able to establish link, but not able to save", you mean any other modification on the Test Case is not saved, only the link to the Requirement?
Thanks in advance,

Hello Aaron, even we are facing the same issue. We are using RQM 4.0, DOORS 9.4 and DWA
Also, we see that we are able to create links from DWA to RQM, but when we try to delete this link created and save it or
if we create a link from RQM to DOORS and then try to save it, it gives us the same error message as Bharat has mentioned.