How to show the links from ETM to DOORS on Document Builder (PUB/RPE)?

I do this question to IBM Support but they do not know if this is possible.
I have DOORS 9.7 connected to ETM 7.0.2.
I am trying to do a document with the Document Builder 7.0.2 with information of the Test Cases from ETM and the requirements connected. I want to show all the Test Cases and their linked requirements (ETM->DOORS).
The problem is that I can get the requirements linked to my test cases, but the only info that I can get is:
- href: https://host:port/dwa/rm/urn:rational::1-5d5295b10d736103-O-155-00000082
- summary: The module name and the ID requirement
So if I try to do a Data Source Configuration to DOORS, I am not able to do it because on the "Dynamic Configuration", I can not get the URI to change to that DOORS module...
How can I configure the Data Soruce to DOORS to get info of the requirements?
I am trying to do a document with the Document Builder 7.0.2 with information of the Test Cases from ETM and the requirements connected. I want to show all the Test Cases and their linked requirements (ETM->DOORS).
The problem is that I can get the requirements linked to my test cases, but the only info that I can get is:
- href: https://host:port/dwa/rm/urn:rational::1-5d5295b10d736103-O-155-00000082
- summary: The module name and the ID requirement
So if I try to do a Data Source Configuration to DOORS, I am not able to do it because on the "Dynamic Configuration", I can not get the URI to change to that DOORS module...
How can I configure the Data Soruce to DOORS to get info of the requirements?
One answer

probably you have to add the parameter ?calmlinks=true when you query the testcases
for example if you are starting from a test plan and you want to get the testcases (with the the links to DNG) you have to put in dynamic configuration script expressions not only href but
Hope it helps