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Setting up distrubuted applications using enterprise topology !

Chandrahasa Reddy D (5715360) | asked Jul 09 '12, 6:45 a.m.
retagged Jul 09 '12, 7:20 a.m. by Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220)
I am installing JTS, RQM, RTC in different machines using enterprise topology and for the same I am following online help provided by IBM for setting up this.
machine1 has JTS
machine2 has RQM
machine3 has RTC
I run the setup in machine1 and give public URI as https://machine1:9443/jts and I add discovery URL of RQM in register apps step, and everything goes smoothly after this.
Now if I run the setup again the public URI will be https://machine2:9443/jts and it throws the error "URI is already set to https://machine2:9443/jts and cannot rename it to https://machine1:9443/jts". How come such strange error it gets URI rename to machine2 automatically. am i missing any steps here...inputs?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 09 '12, 7:20 a.m.
edited Jul 09 '12, 7:21 a.m.

important: please be aware that you should use full qualified and machine independent host names e.g., etc.. Machine independent is important if you need to move to a faster machine later and your IT department might not allow to move the name of the machine to another host.

Your original question:
If you intended to install with one shared JTS Machine 2 and 3 won't have a JTS, hence the conflict.

You should have to run setup only once. You typically run setup against the shared JTS. The other machines host the applications with the context roots ccm (RTC) and qm (RQM). During the application registration you pick the context roots of the applications installed on each server. In your case, if you installed with the default context roots https://machine2:9443/qm and https://machine3:9443/ccm. As long as the applications have been successfully deployed and the servers are started the setup should connect OK. Each application on its host then has the context root you used for registering https://machine2:9443/qm and  https://machine3:9443/ccm not https://machine2:9443/jts nor https://machine3:9443/jts.
Chandrahasa Reddy D selected this answer as the correct answer

Chandrahasa Reddy D commented Jul 10 '12, 6:42 a.m.

Hi Ralph, We are set fully qualified name only for all applications, still we are facing same issue. any thoughts would be appreciated.

Chandrahasa Reddy D commented Jul 10 '12, 6:49 a.m.

Hi Ralph, After going through your answer, I understood that " do we need to have JTS installed for QM and CCM also sitting in machine2 and machine3 respectively; apart from JTS in machine1 ? please suggest

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 10 '12, 7:54 a.m. | edited Jul 10 '12, 7:55 a.m.

With respect to "How many JTS'" do I need. You typically want as few as possible to reduce maintenance tasks such as user maintenance. There are also other benefits with one shared JTS such as Lifecycle Project Administration and reporting only works for apps with the same JTS. If you have several JTS' with registered applications, you can still set it up to create traceability though.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 10 '12, 6:58 a.m.
edited Jul 10 '12, 7:07 a.m.

please read the answer above very carefully.

You have deployed

JTS on machine1 (one)
QM on machine2 (no JTS)
CCM on machine3 (no JTS)

You typically start all machines. You run setup only once for the JTS. https://machine1:9443/jts/setup. During the setup you set the Public URI for JTS to https://machine1:9443/jts/. In the application registration step you register https://machine2:9443/qm/ and https://machine3:9443/ccm/. When you continue the setup the Public URI for QM is https://machine2:9443/qm/ (and not .../jts) in the part for CCM it is https://machine3:9443/ccm/ etc..

You don't install JTS on machine 2 and 3 and the setup for the individual applications would be https://machine2:9443/qm/setup and https://machine3:9443/ccm/setup.

If you run an individual setup for any of the applications their public uri is one of the ones used above https://machine2:9443/qm/, https://machine3:9443/ccm/ .

If you have done the install and set context roots wrong already I would uninstall and do a fresh install.

Please also consider to at least read this article:

Chandrahasa Reddy D commented Jul 10 '12, 7:30 a.m.

Hi, Thanks for your valuable input. One more thing I want to know is "do we need to run the setup for QM and CCM only after running the JTS setup in machine1" ?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 10 '12, 7:41 a.m.
You should not have to run the setup for QM and CCM (or RM). The reason is, once you register those apps, they are pulled into the setup process and you actually should run through it automatically, as far as I remember.

Chandrahasa Reddy D commented Jul 10 '12, 8:22 a.m.

In register applications step we should give the discovery URI of the application CCM and QM I suppose. After registering URI for the respective apps, the next steps would appear automatically for setting up both QM and CCM. If my understanding is correct then I can go ahead for the installation ?

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 10 '12, 8:28 a.m.

Yes, when registering provide the discovery URI for QM and CCM. The public URI for each of the applications is a prefix of the discovery URI.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 14 '12, 8:52 a.m.

Hi, is this question answered, or is it still open?

Chandrahasa Reddy D commented Jul 19 '12, 2:30 a.m.

Hi Ralph, I tried running JTS setup in machine1, and I added QM application by using its discovery URI (https://machine2:9443/qm/scr), I am able to add it successfully. In next steps as you mentioned I am not getting the step where we need to mention the public URI of QM, I am directly getting the step for configuring database for QM. I continued the setup anyway. But now When I run the JTS setup again in machine1, I get the same error "URI is already set to https://machine2:9443/jts and cannot rename it to https://machine1:9443/jts". Please suggest !

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 19 '12, 3:15 a.m.

Only thing I can think of is a wrong install or you have to dump all the databases. There should be NO JTS installed on the machine 2. Have you made sure to install only the applications you require on each machine? You have to exclude the JTS on the other machines. For each machine, only select the application that is supposed to run there. For example: JTS (and RM if you want) on machine1, QM on machine 2, CCM on machine 3. Please consider reading

Chandrahasa Reddy D commented Jul 20 '12, 6:13 a.m.

I have installed everything fine as you are saying. I have JTS and required bases licnese installed in machine1, QM in machine2 and CCM in machine3. I have installed WAS8.0 on each of these machines and deployed respective appliactions there. Not sure why this error is still there?

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