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The documentation I am looking at talks about Tomcat5, since Tomcat7 was installed I must not be looking at the most current doc. Where would I find the most current doc. I'm installing CLM in Windows 7 64 bit.

Since the doc I am using talks about Tomcat5 and the changes you need to make but what was installed was Tomcat7 and the instructions to move thing that do not exist have me confused. This is what I'm looking at: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/index.jsp
John Suchy
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 24 '12, 4:55 p.m.Larry, you are looking at the 3.0.1.x information center. Simon posted the updated 4.0 URL below.