Why do I get "CRJAZ1993E The database JDBC driver version check failed" errors reported in the admin page?
I am having trouble configuring the database driver for Jazz Team Server.
I am currently using the driver ojdbc14.jar (version
The team have been using RTC for a couple of months now, and everything seems to work fine, but I have not been able to remove this error message from the admin page:
CRJAZ1993E The database JDBC driver version check failed
I have tried with several drivers and here are my findings:
Driver ojdbc14.jar (version
CRJAZ1993E The database JDBC driver version check failed. $CRJAZ1900E Oracle JDBC driver version detected is ""
(major = 10, minor = 2), but an Oracle 11 driver that is at least Oracle is required
Observation: Despite this error the application works correctly.
Driver ojdbc5.jar (version
CRJAZ1993E The database JDBC driver version check failed. $CRJAZ1900E Oracle JDBC driver version detected is ""
(major = 10, minor = 2), but an Oracle 11 driver that is at least Oracle is required
Observation: Despite this error the application works correctly. Note that the version detected is not the same that the JAR's manifest says.
Driver ojdbc5.jar (version
Database Status: UNAVAILABLE
com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01882: timezone region not found
Observation: The application does not work with this driver.
Driver ojdbc5.jar (version
Database Status: UNAVAILABLE
com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01882: timezone region not found
Observation: The application does not work with this driver.
Driver ojdbc6.jar (version
Database Status: UNAVAILABLE
(oracle/jdbc/OracleDriver) bad major version at offset=6 (java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError)
Observation: The application does not work with this driver.
Server information:
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries (RJF-I20111207-1350)
Server VM
Version 1.5.0
Vendor IBM Corporation
Name IBM J9 VM
Details J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 Linux amd64-64 j9vmxa6423ifx-20100510 (JIT enabled)
J9VM - 20100509_57823_LHdSMr
JIT - 20091016_1845ifx7_r8
GC - 20091026_AA
Database Status
The database is configured correctly.
Service Error Summary
There are no service errors.
Database: Oracle 10g R2 (
echo $PATH
I hope you can help me remove this error message.
Thank you.
2 answers
According to the documentation for you need the driver or later. Whether or not you use the ojdbc5 or ojdbc6 driver depends on which version JVM version you are using. Although you are showing as having a Java 6 JVM installed, your application server is using the Java 5 JVM that is bundled with the application, which is why you get the bad version error with the ojdbc6 JAR.
With regards to the error message you are getting with the drivers a quick google suggests that this is because the driver is unable to resolve the timezone from the servers configuration. Try adding the following JVM argument to your startup script -Duser.timezone="+01:00" replacing the value with whatever timezone you are in.
Hi Jared, thank you for your answer. Where exactly should I add that JVM argument? I am using the default Tomcat installation and I am starting up the JTS using the default server.startup.sh script.
You will need to add it to the JAVA_OPTS variable in the startup.sh script like so: JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Duser.timezone=+01:00"
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