Is it possible to query on state transitions of work items?

I have a customer wondering how to query on state
transitions of work items in RTC 3.0.1. For example show all work items
that change states between June 1st and Jun 15. Or show the dates that
work items went from new to in progress. I have tried to create
queries to show this but I haven't had any luck so far. Does anyone
know how to do this or if it's possible?
One answer

Unless something changed in 4.0 I'm pretty sure the only way you could do this is through Reports using the information provided in the History tab of the Work Items. I haven't tried it yet but I know some of our customers want it as well.
When time permitted I was going to try and create a similar report using RRDI.
When time permitted I was going to try and create a similar report using RRDI.