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RTC hyperlink from spreadsheet prompts for login information and result in invalid path to server

Karen Steele (1.2k2137146) | asked Sep 07 '18, 11:29 a.m.
We have a need to copy the URL from any given work item in RTC and put it into a spreadsheet cell.  Whilst we can do that and use either copy and paste, or use the Add Link feature so we can shorten the URL. When attempting to use that URL from the spreadsheet, it launches the browser and presents the login screen for the RTC project area - the user logs in but the work item URL that was linked is not displayed instead we get an error of  "Invalid path to authentication servlet.: /"

The only way I can see around this, is to update the hosts file and provide the IP address and server name - doing this the work item URL does work from the spreadsheet and takes you directly to that work item. 

The above is not an option for most users as their workstations are locked down and the host file is not accessible so does anybody know if there is an alternate solution to this dilemma.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Karen Steele (1.2k2137146) | answered Sep 19 '18, 11:24 a.m.

very helpful developer advised that its not just microsoft products ... not down to the Rational tooling . however I was able to get the fix that Microsoft published and it resolved the issue .. users with a similar situation need to find the MicrosoftEasyFix*.msi

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Sep 20 '18, 6:41 a.m. | edited Sep 20 '18, 6:47 a.m.

Thanks, I will share that with colleagues here as well. Can you be a bit more specific about how to obtain the msi?

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