EWM - 7.0.2 - Best way to split an SCM stream with multiple components into multiple streams?
3 answers
We have a system built of multiple components, but we're starting to realise we may need to branch certain 'components' into different configurations/variants (like in GCM) and possibly re-use different variants of components in different top level components (again, like in GCM).
Glyn, I think you need to look into the documentation and articles https://jazz.net/library/#sort=pubDate&tag=SCM and understand EWM SCM better. It is impossible to explain all that here.
The component contains all the SCM historical data for the elements it contains. The stream selects the state of the historical data for the component it contains.
In Jazz SCM, a stream selects the configuration of one or more components. Components contain the scm data for the folders or Eclipse projects. You check in changes into the component in the stream. To Baselines are created on components in a stream to select a consistent set of versions of files.
The first articles are for ETM/DNG and not EWM. The assumption was the software developers are using SCM systems for years and do not have to change.
https://jazz.net/library/article/126 is the SCM FAQ.
I recognize that SCM is different from RM. However, one would expect that the definitions of Components and Streams would be the same across the different modules. If (as you say) they are not, then IBM didn't do a very good job of systems design.
EWM SCM is way older than global configuration management and ETM/RM configuration management. I am also not sure how to bridge that gap.
In EWM SCM, think of component being available to subdivide the software in separate groupings e.g. architectural or layers.
Hi Glyn,