How do users "Search the forum" after the magnifying glass disappears?
On the homepage, when / if users enter text in the "Search the forum" text box, the magnifying glass disappears and there is no apparent way to execute your search. When I try to execute the search by clicking on the "Enter" key, I am taken to a mostly blank page with only an empty text box with radio buttons for questions, tags and users displayed underneath the text box. I am using IE 8.0.7600.16385 on Windows 7 (32 bit).
Seth Packham
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 22 '12, 1:33 p.m.@jaxjaguar, I think you mean the Forum main page (not home page), and I'm not able to replicate that experience. I enter a search term and hit the Enter key. I tried in IE8 and other browsers. What term are you searching for?
Seth Packham
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 22 '12, 4:04 p.m.We haven't been able to replicate the blank page behavior, unfortunately.