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How to extract test case, scripts with steps into CSV format from RQM 4.0.3?

Faizal Rahman (821015) | asked Aug 09 '20, 10:54 p.m.

We are using RQM  4.0.3 version. I would like to extract all the test case, test scripts, etc., with steps from RQM into excel (CSV format). The option available on UI level doesn't include the steps.

Are there any option to extract all test case, test scripts with steps into CSV format from RQM 4.0.3?

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Krupa Gunhalkar (4512) | answered Aug 10 '20, 2:46 a.m.

 Hi Faizal,

First of all I would recommend to use latest Version of ELM which is 7.0.1 released recently.

Secondly, exporting of test script steps into CSV via Web UI is still now supported.
You can build you custom queries/tool to get the data usinf REST API .

Hope this helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar

Faizal Rahman commented Aug 16 '20, 9:17 p.m.

Hi Krupa,

Thanks for your recommendation. The application version upgrade is not being considered  at this moment unfortunately.

Let me try with other option you have mentioned. Appreciate your help.

Thanks and Regards,

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