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https in RSA Design Management

Johan Rodin (2346) | asked Jun 19 '12, 3:02 p.m.
It seems RSA DM Import Engine requires https to connect to dm server in 3.0.1.

Is this true?

Will this also be true in 4.0?

Accepted answer

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W Diu (58026) | answered Jun 20 '12, 9:43 a.m.
By default, SSL is enabled when the Jazz Team Server is installed.

It is possible to disable the SSL by following these instructions:

Please scroll down to the section titled "Disabling SSL."

I have not tried it, but I believe that the Import Engine can connect to a server with SSL turned off through following the above instructions.
Daniel Leroux selected this answer as the correct answer

Johan Rodin commented Jun 21 '12, 4:33 a.m.

Thx Diu! I went ahead and submitted a bug on this and it turns out to be something targeted for a fix in DM 4. Follow this link to the defect 31151:

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