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Back-up of Testcases

anoop mc (74811199221) | asked Jun 19 '12, 1:33 a.m.

We have our testing team who uploads TestCases and Test Scripts into RQM. There was a question raised one of the team member.

Is there any way of taking a back-up of the files that we have uploaded in RQM(incase failure, we can restore)?If so, could you please guide us on how we could do so?

My understanding is that the files are stored in the database and by taking a database backup will be a solution to this issue.

Let me know if there are any suggestions.

3 answers

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 19 '12, 7:20 a.m.
Unfortunately, RQM does not yet project versioning support (see Provide full versioning capability for test assets (18091)).  However, you could take a backup of the repository or using the snapshot capability.

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anoop mc (74811199221) | answered Jun 21 '12, 1:20 a.m.
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the suggestion.

Snapshot feature in RQM helps us in capturing the current state of a test artifact.

However, could you please mention how it can be used incase there the test repository gets corrupted?

Note: We are worried about restoring the test artifacts if something goes wrong.Recently we had an incident where in a new joiner who is not very much familiar with RQM did something and everything got corrupted.

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jun 21 '12, 6:26 a.m.
Snapshots are not intended as a backup strategy.  Instead, they (and the history view) can be used to (manually) revert a resource known to be corrupted back to it's original state.  For your requirements, a full repository backup/restore would be the only option if you did not want to implement your own solution using one of the RQM public APIs.

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