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Rational Build Forge 7.1.3 installation on zLinux

Mike Li (101112) | asked Jun 05 '12, 5:45 p.m.
Hi , I had installed Rational buildforge on zLinux (SLES 10 SP2 s390x). When I try to start the buildforge its complaining about the licenses. 

Since zLinux supports only EnterPrise Plus edition, how to make sure i have installed the enterprise plus edition.
How to generete the license file for EnterPrise Plus Edition.


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David Brauneis (50611) | answered Sep 17 '12, 11:07 a.m.
 I believe that you will need to separately download the license file from Passport Advantage - you should check to see if there is an additional download that you are entitled to get based on owning Build Forge Enterprise Plus.

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