Buildf Forge - SSH
One answer
Using SSH key file authetication you can login to the sytem with a key file and you don't require a password. Can we do something similar when connecting buildforge agent via console.
Yes that is what you can do with the SSL directions.
The goal is to run a script on bfagent server from build forge console. for ex: run command ls -l on a server from bfconsole. I don't want to provide any userid and password of the target server inside build forge console Server --> Server auth.
You will always have to provide the credentials in BF. At the very least we need to know what user to run as when we start the command. You can secure the connection, but you will always need to provide some kind of credentials for Build Forge.
My question was instead of using the userid and password in the server auth. can we use ssh key file authentication to connect a server.
You won't be able to use the SSH key instead of the server auth. You would be able to use it to secure the connection.