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Plans get open in RTC web from client.

4 answers

Next time you restart eclipse you should be prompted where you want it to open.

Here is an older forum entry (you should search first before asking). This has some step by step instructions that will hopefully help. https://jazz.net/forum/questions/60633/how-to-change-the-open-in-web-client-default


Here is what mine looks like when it is set to open in eclipse with no prompt (I added <---- next to the two properties that affect this.)
Can you paste yours in so we can see it?
Mon Jun 04 08:56:02 EDT 2012
ask.planeditor.open.web=always <-------- settings=<?xml version\="1.0" encoding\="UTF-8"?>\r\n<settings timespansmode\="progressive">\r\n<quickcolorize/>\r\n</settings> tempoColorize=false plans.recent@_W-NO8KQJEeGFgI7EBHCSiA=_YAkD0KQJEeGFgI7EBHCSiA@0| planeditor.open.web=2 <-------- tempo=false autosave=true . .