Error loading jvm.dll when running JBE as a Windows Service
I get the following error when running jsl -debug after following to set up Java Build Engine to run as a service on Windows.
Error loading: ...\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse\jdk\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
Error loading: ...\TeamConcertBuild\jre\bin\notinstalledJVMType\jvm.dll
One answer
I found the problem was that the jvmtype option in the jsl.ini was pointing to a directory that did not exist in my jrepath setting
I had used
When I changed it to jvm9 or classic it started successfully.
and used C:\\TeamConcertBuild\jre\jvm9\jvm.dll or classic\jvm.dll
I had used
When I changed it to jvm9 or classic it started successfully.
and used C:\\TeamConcertBuild\jre\jvm9\jvm.dll or classic\jvm.dll
I get the following error when running jsl -debug after following to set up Java Build Engine to run as a service on Windows.
Error loading: ...\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse\jdk\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
Error loading: ...\TeamConcertBuild\jre\bin\notinstalledJVMType\jvm.dll