Build Forge engine has a warning state

Accepted answer

The warning state in RTC is caused when the outside build engine does not contact the RTC engine. This was designed with the JBE in mind, which polls RTC server for build requests. However the Build Forge Agent and Build Forge don't know about RTC and will never contact RTC about builds. So the warning state has to be cleared by something else. For the Build Forge engine, the build loop logic handles the contact time. That is to say that the BF engine marks the engine as contacted as part of the request polling. So if the warning exists it means that the BF engine is not accessible, or the polling task is not running. The BF agent marks the engine as contacted when a build runs, but that behavior has been changed in fixpack 4 and 4.0 to include it in the task loop like the BF engine. The behavior now though will leave the BF agent engine in a warning state, until builds start running on it.
Either the Build Forge agent engine or the Build Forge agent is in a warning state, but doesn't seem to clear out. What causes the warning state to occur?