Build Forge build service appears to stop working
Accepted answer
There is a defect in the Build Forge API that can cause the network socket to get stuck. The defect is:
The root problem is that the socket timeout is not honored, which can cause the Build Forge API connection to get stuck which then keeps the RTC Build Forge services from running. This problem appears to be particular prevalent in high latency environments. The only workarounds at this time are to close the sockets manually or cycle the RTC server.
The root problem is that the socket timeout is not honored, which can cause the Build Forge API connection to get stuck which then keeps the RTC Build Forge services from running. This problem appears to be particular prevalent in high latency environments. The only workarounds at this time are to close the sockets manually or cycle the RTC server.
Running the test connection gets a with test connection. Also all of the Build Forge build activities appear to stop working, builds are no longer picked up, build activities are no longer updated, etc. What is causing this?