Build Forge integrated build definition builds every time
Accepted answer
The Build Forge integration does not care about the Jazz SCM participant by itself. The Build Forge build must call the JazzJBE adaptor on the Build Forge side. To delete the build on the RTC side after the build then, the adaptor must be linked on the Build Forge side. Otherwise the builds will persist on the RTC side even if no changes were accepted.
A Build Forge integrated build definition is being built every time even though the "build only if there are changes accepted" option is selected. Why is the build definition not building ONLY when there are changes accepted?
One other answer
Wouldn't it be unnecessary/inefficient to trigger unnecessary build cycles in Buildforge? Can't the build engine/scheduler in RTC check if there are source changes and initiate builds accordingly?
Someone has to execute the CI build to determine if a build is necessary. It will either be the JBE or BF. This mechanism is easier to implement since you don't need to link starting a build directly from JBE, but rather let BF manage the entirety of the build and just let JBE determine the status of the build.
So its not unnecessary, its just a matter of which order they will execute in.