RTC build result log size
I am trying to get RTC build result size via API. I have the following so far. Is it possible to get the size of each contribution using IBuildResultContribution?
IBuildResultContribution[] ibrc = buildClient.getBuildResultContributions(ibr, IBuildResultContribution.LOG_EXTENDED_CONTRIBUTION_ID, monitor);
Thanks for your help.
Accepted answer
a while back I needed to find the size of all the contributions of all the build results in a project..
here is the code that does that package com.sd.tools; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import com.ibm.team.build.client.ITeamBuildClient; import com.ibm.team.build.common.model.IBuildEngine; import com.ibm.team.build.common.model.IBuildResult; import com.ibm.team.build.common.model.IBuildResultContribution; import com.ibm.team.build.common.model.query.IBaseBuildEngineQueryModel.IBuildEngineQueryModel; import com.ibm.team.build.common.model.query.IBaseBuildResultQueryModel.IBuildResultQueryModel; import com.ibm.team.process.client.IProcessClientService; import com.ibm.team.process.common.IProjectArea; import com.ibm.team.process.common.IProjectAreaHandle; import com.ibm.team.repository.client.IContentManager; import com.ibm.team.repository.client.IItemManager; import com.ibm.team.repository.client.ITeamRepository; import com.ibm.team.repository.client.TeamPlatform; import com.ibm.team.repository.client.ITeamRepository.*; import com.ibm.team.repository.client.ITeamRepository.ILoginHandler.*; import com.ibm.team.repository.common.IContent; import com.ibm.team.repository.common.IFetchResult; import com.ibm.team.repository.common.TeamRepositoryException; import com.ibm.team.repository.common.query.IItemQuery; import com.ibm.team.repository.common.query.IItemQueryPage; import com.ibm.team.repository.common.query.ast.IPredicate; import com.ibm.team.repository.common.service.IQueryService; import com.ibm.team.repository.common.util.ObfuscationHelper; public class DumpContributions { private static boolean debug = false; private static int master_connection_timeout=24*60*60; private static ITeamRepository productionServer = null; private static IProcessClientService prodprocessClient = null; public final static String fContributionTypeId = IBuildResultContribution.LOG_EXTENDED_CONTRIBUTION_ID; private static class LoginHandler implements ILoginHandler, ILoginInfo { private String fUserId; private String fPassword; private LoginHandler(String userId, String password) { fUserId = userId; fPassword = password; } public String getUserId() { return fUserId; } public String getPassword() { return fPassword; } public ILoginInfo challenge(ITeamRepository repository) { return this; } } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { String productionURI = args[0]; String produserId = args[1]; String prodpassword = args[2]; String prodprojectAreaName = args[3]; try { IProjectArea iprja_prod = null; TeamPlatform.startup(); // TODO Auto-generated method stub productionServer = TeamPlatform.getTeamRepositoryService().getTeamRepository(productionURI); if (debug) System.out.println("logging in\n"); try { // decrypt the user password, if encrypted prodpassword = ObfuscationHelper.decryptString(prodpassword); } catch(Exception ex) { // nothing to do, variable not overlayed on error } productionServer.registerLoginHandler(new LoginHandler(produserId, prodpassword)); productionServer.setConnectionTimeout(master_connection_timeout); productionServer.login(null); prodprocessClient = (IProcessClientService) productionServer .getClientLibrary(IProcessClientService.class); URI produri = URI.create(prodprojectAreaName.replaceAll(" ", "%20")); iprja_prod = (IProjectArea) prodprocessClient.findProcessArea(produri, null, null); ITeamBuildClient buildClient = (ITeamBuildClient) productionServer.getClientLibrary(ITeamBuildClient.class); for(IBuildResult br: getBuildResultsforProjectArea(iprja_prod)) { System.out.println("Build result for build = "+br.getLabel()); IBuildResultContribution[] ibrcl =buildClient.getBuildResultContributions(br, fContributionTypeId, null); System.out.println(" there are "+ibrcl.length+" contributions to display"); for(IBuildResultContribution ibrc : ibrcl) { System.out.println("entry"); String r=getContent(ibrc.getExtendedContributionData(), productionServer.contentManager()); System.out.println("content size= "+r.length()); //System.out.println("content ="+getContent(ibrc.getExtendedContributionData(), productionServer.contentManager())); } } } catch (TeamRepositoryException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } TeamPlatform.shutdown(); } private static String getContent(IContent ic, IContentManager icm) { // make an output stream for the content manager OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // get the content of the content object. try { if (ic != null) { icm.retrieveContent(ic, os, null); return os.toString(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private static ArrayList<IBuildResult> getBuildResultsforProjectArea(IProjectAreaHandle iprja) { Boolean allProperties = true; // allocate space for results ArrayList<IBuildResult> allbe = new ArrayList<IBuildResult>(); ITeamRepository repo= (ITeamRepository)iprja.getOrigin(); // get the data interface ITeamBuildClient buildClient = (ITeamBuildClient) repo.getClientLibrary(ITeamBuildClient.class); try { IBuildResultQueryModel queryModel = IBuildResultQueryModel.ROOT; // create a query for build engines IItemQuery query = IItemQuery.FACTORY.newInstance(queryModel); // objects of build engine type IPredicate isBuildResultType = queryModel._isTypeOf(IBuildResult.ITEM_TYPE); // the query filter //IPredicate filter = queryModel._in(new IItemHandleInputArg[] { query.newItemHandleArg() }); query.filter(isBuildResultType); // no parameters required IItemQueryPage queryPage = buildClient.queryItems(query, // com.ibm.team.repository.common.service.IQueryService.EMPTY_PARAMETERS, new Object[0], IQueryService.ITEM_QUERY_MAX_PAGE_SIZE, null); // if there are buildengines defined if (queryPage.getResultSize() != 0) { while (queryPage != null) { IFetchResult fetchResult = null; if (allProperties == true) { fetchResult = repo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware(queryPage.getItemHandles(), IItemManager.DEFAULT, null); } else { // print out a page of IDs of the retrieved build // engines final String[] all_properties = new String[] { IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_ACTIVE, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_BUILD_ENGINE_ACTIVITY, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_DESCRIPTION, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_ENGINE_CONTACT_INTERVAL, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_ID, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_PROCESS_AREA, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_SUPPORTED_BUILD_DEFINITIONS, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_SUPPORTS_CANCELLATION, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_USE_TEAM_SCHEDULER, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_PROPERTIES, IBuildEngine.PROPERTY_CONFIGURATION_ELEMENTS }; fetchResult = repo.itemManager().fetchPartialItemsPermissionAware(queryPage.getItemHandles(), IItemManager.DEFAULT, Arrays.asList(all_properties), null); } // add these to the list allbe.addAll(fetchResult.getRetrievedItems()); if (queryPage.hasNext()) { queryPage = (IItemQueryPage) buildClient.fetchPage(queryPage.getToken(), queryPage.getNextStartPosition(), queryPage.getSize(), null); } else { queryPage = null; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("build exception=" + ex.getMessage()); } return allbe; } } SUNIL KUURAM selected this answer as the correct answer
commented Feb 25 '15, 3:58 p.m.
Many thanks for this. I just want to gather the sizes of the build contributions without reading the content. The build result UI shows the size of each contribution. I think it should be possible to get the contribution size. Appreciate any ideas.
sam detweiler
commented Feb 25 '15, 4:27 p.m.
Mine does not show the content.. that line is commented out
Well, the code seems to retrieve the stream to get the content size. I want to avoid reading the whole stream to calculate the size. I am trying to basically run though all build results and assess their size. Is there an easy way to get the conent size?
OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// get the content of the content object.
if (ic != null)
icm.retrieveContent(ic, os, null);
return os.toString();
sam detweiler
commented Feb 25 '15, 5:07 p.m.
you can try ibrc.getExtendedContributionData().getRawLength(), or ibrc.getExtendedContributionData().getEstimatedConvertedLength()
commented Feb 25 '15, 6:14 p.m.
That worked. Thanks a lot! |
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