Report Error to Build Queue
hi ,
I am running a python script when user request a build to do some operations
The build script on server looks like this
call ant -S -f "C:\Embedded\iRTC Specific Files\ant_build.xml" -lib "C:\Program Files\IBM\RTC-BuildSystem-Toolkit-Win64-6.0.3\jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit" -propertyfile "C:\Embedded\iRTC Specific Files\antgenaVcmMasterMainDevBuildProperties.out" -DactivityLabel="Start Main Dev VCM Master Build" startActivity
@echo ON
call build_python
call ant -S -f "C:\Embedded\iRTC Specific Files\ant_build.xml" -lib "C:\Program Files\IBM\RTC-BuildSystem-Toolkit-Win64-6.0.3\jazz\buildsystem\buildtoolkit" -propertyfile "C:\Embedded\iRTC Specific Files\antgenaVcmMasterMainDevBuildProperties.out" -DactivityLabel="End Main Dev VCM Master Build" startActivity
Now this works and we are able to execute.
The errors like jazz (work space permission, cant load etc will show up in build queue)
My question is how we can report errors to the build queue if any errors occurs caught in the python script.
Currently we are looking in log file , There is a "buildResultUUID" how to use this?
One answer
Normally a build tool is called in a build definition and the build tool returns an exit code that tells the JBE that the build worked or not. Exit code 0 is a success, others numbers are an error, I think.
See additional help hw build id supposed to work:
The ANT task reference might be able to show you some of the attributes you see in builds and how they could be used.