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Bluepages import not working

Michael Baylis (1832719) | asked Aug 12 '08, 8:56 a.m.
We have just activated LDAP via Bluepages on our Jazz server and the authentication bit is working perfectly.

However, the user import is refusing to work. We have updated the Advance Properties LDAP configuration as instructed by the LDAP4DUMMIES page. We search for a member of our users group that doesn't exist in our repostiory, but it doesn't return any results.

Is there a way of tracing the ldap requests so we can see the formatted uri string and it's reponse? In a log or somewhere?

If someone could Sametime me and I will send a screen print of the settings to do a sanity check, I would be gratiful.


Michael Baylis

One answer

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Balaji Krish (1.8k12) | answered Aug 12 '08, 10:52 a.m.

We have a bug open to log LDAP queries. See bug 49862. We are planning to fix this bug for 1.0.1 maintenance release.

I will sametime you to take a look at your LDAP setting/

--- Balaji Krish
Jazz Server Development

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