RTC file/element revision history
In RTC web client or Eclipse client, is there a way to display the revision history of a file in my respository workspace or in the stream that I deliver the change to? In ClearCase, I can look at the version history of the file (version tree) regardless what UCM activity the change was made against. I am looking for something like that in RTC.
Accepted answer
With version 5.0, it is now possible to get version ids for files stored in SCM. See https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/releases/5.0?p=news#version-identifier-feature
3 other answers
The comments I made below only apply to the Eclipse client.
In the Web client, all you can get is what you are currently seeing in the History tab. Note that in neither client would you get version numbers like 1, 2, 3. This functionality is requested in work item 194876. We are currently investigating providing this functionality in an optional plug-in. Add a comment to 194876 if you would be interested in taking a look at this if/when it becomes available.
In the Web client, all you can get is what you are currently seeing in the History tab. Note that in neither client would you get version numbers like 1, 2, 3. This functionality is requested in work item 194876. We are currently investigating providing this functionality in an optional plug-in. Add a comment to 194876 if you would be interested in taking a look at this if/when it becomes available.
Is this the 'History' tab in the web client? If it is, then we're not seeing a history verion tree but only a list of change sets and the associated work item. Ideally, it would list the versions with version number, like 1, 2, 3, etc.
In the Eclipse client, you can right click over a file loaded into a workspace and select "Team -> Show History". This shows you the history of that file in that workspace. You can then click on the "show all in repository" tool icon, to see the history of all versions of that file. (You can do the same thing to a file in a stream/workspace repository files view, with the "Show History" operation).
In RTC web client or Eclipse client, is there a way to display the revision history of a file in my respository workspace or in the stream that I deliver the change to? In ClearCase, I can look at the version history of the file (version tree) regardless what UCM activity the change was made against. I am looking for something like that in RTC.
In the Eclipse client, you can right click over a file loaded into a workspace and select "Team -> Show History". This shows you the history of that file in that workspace. You can then click on the "show all in repository" tool icon, to see the history of all versions of that file. (You can do the same thing to a file in a stream/workspace repository files view, with the "Show History" operation).
In RTC web client or Eclipse client, is there a way to display the revision history of a file in my respository workspace or in the stream that I deliver the change to? In ClearCase, I can look at the version history of the file (version tree) regardless what UCM activity the change was made against. I am looking for something like that in RTC.
Is this the 'History' tab in the web client? If it is, then we're not seeing a history verion tree but only a list of change sets and the associated work item. Ideally, it would list the versions with version number, like 1, 2, 3, etc.
Is this the 'History' tab in the web client? If it is, then we're not seeing a history verion tree but only a list of change sets and the associated work item. Ideally, it would list the versions with version number, like 1, 2, 3, etc.
In the Eclipse client, you can right click over a file loaded into a workspace and select "Team -> Show History". This shows you the history of that file in that workspace. You can then click on the "show all in repository" tool icon, to see the history of all versions of that file. (You can do the same thing to a file in a stream/workspace repository files view, with the "Show History" operation).
In RTC web client or Eclipse client, is there a way to display the revision history of a file in my respository workspace or in the stream that I deliver the change to? In ClearCase, I can look at the version history of the file (version tree) regardless what UCM activity the change was made against. I am looking for something like that in RTC.