Any idea on how to track the mood using RTC

One answer

Hi Sedat,
"The team member mood", what does it mean in here? "Member's works status" could be.(I understood in this way)
If it is: You should use the query method in RTC. (workitems>browse/create query)
If it is not: could you please explain your question? If you wish, you can send the mail at me in turkish. (

Thanks Hakki for your response and your proposal to make my life easier :).
I would reply your interrogation here so that we can benefit from the knowlegde of the whole community. Definitetly some others did not understand as well.
During daily stand up meetings, we also like to know how is the moral of people, their mood. What kind of solution we can imagine within RTC to track this mood?
An attribut which will be incremented. Example let's say:4-I am in very good shape, 3-I am ok, 2- I am not not ok, 1-I am not ok at all and the end of the week or the month we will take the average to also have a view on the moral of each team member.