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Permission Denied exception while moving workitems from one project area to another, when user is not added at the project area level

Shwetha Vl (111) | asked May 29 '18, 6:38 a.m.


I have a user who is a member of only Team Area in Project Area 'A'  with all the permissions to move the work items.
[he is not a member at the project area level in Project Area 'A'].

When he is trying to move the work items from Project Area 'A' to project Area 'B' he is getting Permission Denied Exception. He has all the permissions to move/create/delete work items in Project Area 'A' and 'B'.

But when i add him as a member at the project area level in Project Area 'A' , he is able to move the work items successfully.

Why is this happening? Is this the feature of RTC? If so, can you please provide me some RTC documentation links for the same.


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 29 '18, 7:02 a.m.
edited May 29 '18, 7:05 a.m.

Yes, this is a feature of RTC, I think. It has to do with how permissions work. In case you don't know how that works, you want to read
Process permissions lookup in Rational Team Concert
and likely also   

When he is trying to move the work items from Project Area 'A' to project Area 'B' he is getting Permission Denied Exception. He has all the permissions to move/create/delete work items in Project Area 'A' and 'B'.
You think he has all the permissions. I can not see on what information this is based. If your user is not member of the project area they are trying to move the work items from/to, (I think) they will not have any role other than the default role in the project area. The default role (Everyone) might not have the permissions set to move/create/delete work items. So unless the work item the user tries to move is filed against the team area they are member of and they have roles and permissions configured in the team area, you might see these permission errors.

Shwetha Vl commented May 29 '18, 7:24 a.m. | edited May 29 '18, 7:27 a.m.

Thanks for the response Ralph.

The work item the user tries to move is filed against the team area they are member of and they have roles and permissions configured in the team area for required operations.

Still i get this error, when the user is not a member at the project area level. So i wanted to confirm if this the way RTC works.

Ralph Schoon commented May 29 '18, 7:33 a.m.

This forum supports comments. The RTC permissions and especially in hierarchies can be very complex and sometimes hard to understand.

There is no information here that makes me believe it is a tool problem. I am pretty sure this is a configuration or an understanding problem. If you want to provide more information please read How should I ask a question in the Forum if I want to receive useful answers?

Note: NO USER should have permissions to DELETE work items. If one can DELETE work items from the repository they are gone forever and the answer to the question "can we restore them" is no.

I don't think work item move requires work item delete.

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