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license keys for IBM teams

Amir Bar-or (1513026) | asked Aug 07 '08, 2:55 p.m.
I downloaded for xl this part:

IBM Rational Team Concert Standard Edition - Developer Client License Activation Kit V1.0 Multiplatform English (C1H7JEN)

but it contains only 10 developer licenses. Is there anything else I should have downloaded. The service license I downloaded seems to be ok (IBM Rational Team Concert Standard Edition - Server License Activation Kit V1.0 Multiplatform English (C1H7IEN))

2 answers

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Matt Lavin (2.7k2) | answered Aug 07 '08, 3:11 p.m.
I have a feeling that you are using a Derby DB. For 1.0, *all* Derby
DBs are restricted to 10 users. If you want more than 10 users you can
use DB2 or Oracle.

abaror wrote:
I downloaded for xl this part:

IBM Rational Team Concert Standard Edition - Developer Client License
Activation Kit V1.0 Multiplatform English (C1H7JEN)

but it contains only 10 developer licenses. Is there anything else I
should have downloaded. The service license I downloaded seems to be
ok (IBM Rational Team Concert Standard Edition - Server License
Activation Kit V1.0 Multiplatform English (C1H7IEN))

permanent link
Amir Bar-or (1513026) | answered Aug 07 '08, 4:23 p.m.
You exactly right. Thank you.

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