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RTC Eclipse Client Import CSV need JazzAdmins?

Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | asked Mar 28 '12, 9:57 a.m.
Some user without JazzAdmins previlege import CSV in Eclipse client encount the error.

Does the RTC Eclipse Client Import CSV need JazzAdmins?

And is there Web client support CSV import work items?


2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 29 '12, 3:19 a.m.
Hi Jia,

I believe the user using importer only needs the permissions to do the actions that are required for the import.

I just ran an import for a normal users and I see issues with saving the project area. The importer seems to try to make changes to the iteration structure and the user I am using does not have the permissions to do so. There is a defect with setting the "planned for" for work items in 3.x that is supposed to be fixed in 4.0. I searched and found

The import does not recognize the iteration and tries to create a new one, which requires permissions.

Try this on a test system. Look into the work item for the work around and make sure the iteration ID's are identical.

I am not aware of a web based import. In the Web you can only export and export/import plans. Be aware that import of plans does not support reimport. You get duplicate work items if you try. This is also planned for RTC 4.0.

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Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | answered Mar 29 '12, 12:18 p.m.
Thanks very much Ralph, it is very useful for me!

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