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RTC Eclipse Client Import CSV need JazzAdmins?

2 answers

Hi Jia,
I believe the user using importer only needs the permissions to do the actions that are required for the import.
I just ran an import for a normal users and I see issues with saving the project area. The importer seems to try to make changes to the iteration structure and the user I am using does not have the permissions to do so. There is a defect with setting the "planned for" for work items in 3.x that is supposed to be fixed in 4.0. I searched https://jazz.net/search_results.jsp?q=#page=0&type=type%3DDocument-WorkItem&q=planned%20for%20CSV and found
The import does not recognize the iteration and tries to create a new one, which requires permissions.
Try this on a test system. Look into the work item for the work around and make sure the iteration ID's are identical.
I am not aware of a web based import. In the Web you can only export and export/import plans. Be aware that import of plans does not support reimport. You get duplicate work items if you try. This is also planned for RTC 4.0.
I believe the user using importer only needs the permissions to do the actions that are required for the import.
I just ran an import for a normal users and I see issues with saving the project area. The importer seems to try to make changes to the iteration structure and the user I am using does not have the permissions to do so. There is a defect with setting the "planned for" for work items in 3.x that is supposed to be fixed in 4.0. I searched https://jazz.net/search_results.jsp?q=#page=0&type=type%3DDocument-WorkItem&q=planned%20for%20CSV and found
The import does not recognize the iteration and tries to create a new one, which requires permissions.
Try this on a test system. Look into the work item for the work around and make sure the iteration ID's are identical.
I am not aware of a web based import. In the Web you can only export and export/import plans. Be aware that import of plans does not support reimport. You get duplicate work items if you try. This is also planned for RTC 4.0.