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Does any one know of a problem with saving dashboards?

Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | asked Mar 16 '12, 11:43 a.m.
For project/team/personal dashboard, the user's save can not reserve the change.
The user should has the privilege since it can create page, add widget in project/team/personal dashboard, but after saving, and then refresh or re-login, the saved page/widget disappear.

It is so strange.. And anyone has some comments?

7 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 17 '12, 5:30 p.m.

I haver noticed this issue often comes up, in case the Public URI (server name, port, etc) has been changed . This is not supported and can cause such issues. You might want to get in contact with IBM support to get it fixed.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered May 22 '12, 8:30 p.m.

I haver noticed this issue often comes up, in case the Public URI (server name, port, etc) has been changed . This is not supported and can cause such issues. You might want to get in contact with IBM support to get it fixed.

Is that the only case ? One of our repository users just reported this similar
kind of issue. They state that their Project dashboard had been customized but
after saving it it reverted to the default dashboard from project creation.

Public URI hasn't changed to my knowledge (only 4 folks in the universe have
authority ) but I will verify both for the CCM and JTS.

BTW: what database stores the dashboards ? I don't find any rows in CCM or JTS
database the table that ought to have them (dashboard.dashboards)


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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 23 '12, 1:34 a.m.
I would assume there could be other cases as well. I think the usual user dashboards are stored in the JTS, at least that is where they are configured.

There are project dashboards e.g. in RTC, that I would assume to be stored in RTC.

Any indicators in the logs? If you can't find the reason, please open a PMR.

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered May 23 '12, 9:36 a.m.
I would assume there could be other cases as well. I think the usual user dashboards are stored in the JTS, at least that is where they are configured.

There are project dashboards e.g. in RTC, that I would assume to be stored in RTC.

Any indicators in the logs? If you can't find the reason, please open a PMR.

After doing some research I found some interesting posts, work items and wiki

Dashboards are persisted using the Jazz Foundation Services, specifically the Storage service. The format of the dashboard state is XML which is described in DashboardResourceAPI.

But I can't find any setting in Advanced Properties that leads to any file stores.

We did have a full file system event yesterday and some of the work items
relating to saving dashboards point to 'indexes' e.g. Task 153145. The full
file system does contain indexes for the jts in question.

The submitter to our issue has stated that dashboard seems to have been
restored as if by magic. I see RTC v4 holds some promise of finding revisions
of some dashboards.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 23 '12, 9:58 a.m.

the dashboard state being XML does not mean it is stored as file in the filesystem. It is most likely stored in a blob in the DB. I am not sure what a file system full could cause. The files are used for indexing and increasing read performance.

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Ken Green (6133) | answered May 23 '12, 4:00 p.m.
For project/team/personal dashboard, the user's save can not reserve the change.
The user should has the privilege since it can create page, add widget in project/team/personal dashboard, but after saving, and then refresh or re-login, the saved page/widget disappear.

It is so strange.. And anyone has some comments?

I had similar issue and found a solution that worked for me. Here's a link to my post:

Good Luck!

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Kevin Ramer (4.5k9186201) | answered May 25 '12, 12:28 p.m.
For project/team/personal dashboard, the user's save can not reserve the change.
The user should has the privilege since it can create page, add widget in project/team/personal dashboard, but after saving, and then refresh or re-login, the saved page/widget disappear.

It is so strange.. And anyone has some comments?

I had similar issue and found a solution that worked for me. Here's a link to my post:

Good Luck!

I don't that applies here, as our Public URI have been set and stable for quite some time.

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