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How to reconnect a project?

jim herron (814427) | asked Apr 21 '11, 10:21 a.m.
If a workspace contiaining one or more projects is unloaded/disconnect, (Not unload/delete), is it possible to reload/connect in a manner that does not destroy the local data and then shows the local changes in the pending changes view as if never disconnected?

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Apr 21 '11, 1:49 p.m.
If a workspace contiaining one or more projects is unloaded/disconnect, (Not unload/delete), is it possible to reload/connect in a manner that does not destroy the local data and then shows the local changes in the pending changes view as if never disconnected?
Share the project using Team > Share Project. Pick the component where it belongs and it will connect the project while keeping your local changes.

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