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Hot to get the httpServletRequest object inside an extension

Lothar Kappen (11611912) | asked Feb 29 '12, 9:31 a.m.
RTC is running in a WebSphere SSO-Environment. From a server-side extension (work item save operation participant) we need to interface another application via a Java API. Therefore we need to pass the ltpa token to that application. That is the ltpa token that WebSphere generated when the user authenticated for using RTC.

Question: do we have access inside an IOperationParticipant to the httpServletRequest object in order to get the session cookie containing the ltpa token ?

Nils Müller-Sheffer commented Aug 03 '12, 4:05 a.m.

Lothar, have you ever found a solution to this. We have EXACTLY the same requirement.

Thanks! Nils

Lothar Kappen commented Aug 03 '12, 5:12 a.m.

I got a hint from Ralph Schoon, but we never tested it. So I do not know if it works. And it uses the client api. Not sure if there is something aquivalent in the server api.

Anyhow, Ralph's idea is to use: IRawRestClientConnection raw = getService(IRawRestClientConnection.class); in the

If you try it, pls. post the result here. Thanks.

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Stefan Hufnagl (29411920) | answered Feb 29 '12, 9:58 a.m.

I'm also interested in this question.


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