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Walkthrough of the IBM RTC tool

Abhishek Semwal (1133) | asked Feb 03 '12, 9:54 p.m.
Consider me as an end user of IBM RTC, with zero knowledge of what IBM RTC does. I am assigned the job of creating a user manual for IBM RTC for non technical users(If my Mom reads the document she should be able to use RTC after reading the user manual).

The problem I am facing is, Where to start? I have done the following initial setup,
1)Installed the IBM RTC server(Available in this website) on my machine
2)Created a project Area and a new Work Item

How do I proceed further in order to understand the tool. I suppose the scope of IBM RTC is to,
1)Manage Project Status
2)Planing Releases
3)Tracking of Work Items and Customization
4)Simplified access to files

This is what I need,
1)An overview of each of the functionality supported by IBM RTC
2)How do we use each of the available functionality
3)Creating a sample project to depict eah and every functionality of the IBM RTC product

I need some guidance to proceed. As of now I am just overwhelmed with amount of information provided(especially due to the various versions of the tool available)

3 answers

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Christophe Lucas (86234948) | answered Feb 04 '12, 4:57 a.m.
How do I proceed further in order to understand the tool. I suppose the scope of IBM RTC is to,
1)Manage Project Status
2)Planing Releases
3)Tracking of Work Items and Customization
4)Simplified access to files

This is what I need,
1)An overview of each of the functionality supported by IBM RTC
2)How do we use each of the available functionality
3)Creating a sample project to depict eah and every functionality of the IBM RTC product

I need some guidance to proceed. As of now I am just overwhelmed with amount of information provided(especially due to the various versions of the tool available)

I would suggest you start with:
Rational Team Concert Features, and there, start with:
Work item tracking
Team awareness
Transparency/project health
then the other features.

You can also start with: An Overview of Project Fundamentals in Rational Team Concert 3.0.

Then, using the library, use keyword (e.g. Planning) in the search field, this will provide you with yet more detailed articles.

(finally, the online help also provides precise info on all features of RTC)

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Feb 04 '12, 8:38 a.m.
WRT on-line help, I'd recommend the tutorial topic:
Tutorial: Get started with Rational Team Concert

On 2/4/2012 5:09 AM, xophe wrote:
How do I proceed further in order to understand the tool. I suppose
the scope of IBM RTC is to,
1)Manage Project Status
2)Planing Releases
3)Tracking of Work Items and Customization
4)Simplified access to files

This is what I need,
1)An overview of each of the functionality supported by IBM RTC
2)How do we use each of the available functionality
3)Creating a sample project to depict eah and every functionality of
the IBM RTC product

I need some guidance to proceed. As of now I am just overwhelmed
with amount of information provided(especially due to the various
versions of the tool available)
I would suggest you start with:
Team Concert Features, and there, start with:
item tracking


then the other features.

You can also start with:
Overview of Project Fundamentals in Rational Team Concert 3.0

Then, using the library, use keyword (e.g. Planning) in the search
field, this will provide you with yet more detailed articles.

(finally, the online help also provides precise info on all features
of RTC)

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Abhishek Semwal (1133) | answered Feb 04 '12, 6:43 p.m.
Thanks to both!!

I will tread the path suggested..IF I have any concerns I will be poting them right here:)

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