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Is there a problem getting a license on

Kirk Woods (10178) | asked Feb 04 '16, 10:20 a.m.
I get the following error when trying to submit an enhancement request for RTC:
Missing required license.

An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=400.  Message: CRJAZ2676I Details about the error were written to the log file. To find this data, search the log file for this identifier: 290527c2-4cde-443f-a78b-b90f8a3a7130.  Root cause: CRJAZ2676I Details about the error were written to the log file. To find this data, search the log file for this identifier: 4b4820c9-7d5f-4de6-81e5-67b3f0fe09c8.  Root cause: Internal error.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Feb 04 '16, 8:43 p.m.
edited Feb 05 '16, 11:35 p.m.
I have another team member reporting the same problem.   I am working with someone from support to track down what is going on, and will post anything I find out.   In particular, it appears to be a problem with the contributor token licenses ... the various Floating licenses (e.g. "Developer-Floating") seem to not have this problem. 

Donald Nong commented Feb 04 '16, 10:05 p.m.

It's probably all the token licenses. I have got the "Rational Team Concert - Developer-Token" license and experienced the exact same problem recently.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Feb 05 '16, 11:33 p.m.

Word from support is that the token licenses should now be working properly.   If anyone is still having trouble, please post here so we can have them look into it.

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