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Plugins install but aren't usable???

Ernest Crvich (19212119) | asked Dec 09 '11, 1:58 p.m.
Using RTC 3.0.1...I can install, say, Perl EPIC (or some other 3rd party plugin), and the install goes fine, I restart, RTC says it's installed with no errors, but it's unusable...doesn't show up in Preferences, doesn't open .pl files with the EPIC editor, etc.

What could be the problem?

5 answers

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Ernest Crvich (19212119) | answered Dec 09 '11, 4:22 p.m.
Some more info: this is a Linux install that was done with Installation Manager and done as a shared install. Shared resources are in /opt/IBM/SDPShared, and the client and Eclipse are both in /opt/IBM/TeamConcert.

Other plugins fail the same way, so it's not just Perl EPIC. They show up as installed, but don't function.

A similar install on Windows XP works (plugins both install and function fine), and a similar install on Windows 7 fails the same way as Linux.

Is this a known RTC bug?

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Ernest Crvich (19212119) | answered Dec 12 '11, 5:52 p.m.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Dec 12 '11, 11:53 p.m.
Disclaimer: Eclipse plugin behavior is not my area of expertise.
But with that in mind, I have heard of folks having more success by
first adding all their non-RTC plug-ins into a vanilla Eclipse
installation, confirm they are all working, and then add in the RTC plug-in.


On 12/9/2011 4:23 PM, crvich wrote:
Some more info: this is a Linux install that was done with
Installation Manager and done as a shared install. Shared resources
are in /opt/IBM/SDPShared, and the client and Eclipse are both in

Other plugins fail the same way, so it's not just Perl EPIC. They
show up as installed, but don't function.

A similar install on Windows XP works (plugins both install and
function fine), and a similar install on Windows 7 fails the same way
as Linux.

Is this a known RTC bug?

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Bruno Braga (48013621) | answered Jan 28 '12, 2:15 p.m.
I'm facing the same problem.

So I opened a defect:

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Ernest Crvich (19212119) | answered Jan 30 '12, 1:24 p.m.
I'm facing the same problem.

So I opened a defect:

Sorry, I opened one already back in mid-December and it has been resolved. You'll want to view the following two work items:

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