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Can JBE be configured to support concurrent builds?

Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | asked Dec 01 '11, 12:57 p.m.
Can JBE be configured to support concurrent builds?
Right now, for a single JBE instance, all builds running on it have to be sequential. We should be able to lunch two different builds via the same JBE as long as these two builds do not have any conflict.

11 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 01 '11, 1:46 p.m.

each JBE process can only build sequential. You can run multiple JBE's on a machine by providing a -data <workspaceDir> parameter so that each has a different workspace to load the files.

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Dec 01 '11, 11:06 p.m.
The -data <workspace> arg is necessary, and the paths must be distinct, but the workspace dir is really just for maintaining metadata, not the actual loaded Jazz workspace.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Dec 02 '11, 2:15 a.m.
Right Nick, thanks.

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Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | answered Dec 02 '11, 7:51 a.m.
Thanks, Ralph, Nick.

Will give a try and let you know

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Dec 02 '11, 2:14 p.m.
Also note that JBE writes a temporary log file to the current working directory in effect when it was launched. So that dir must be writeable. The file name is of the form: 'build-<ms clock value>.log'.

There's a small chance the files could conflict if builds in 2 JBEs started at the same millisecond (the window may be larger, depending on the JRE's clock resolution), so you might want to start them from different directories.

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Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | answered Dec 02 '11, 3:52 p.m.
I'd like to submit a enhancement request to enalbe JBE to handle real concurrent builds in future reelase but got the following error when trying to save the new WI at

Missing required license. An error response was received from the Jazz Team Server. Status=400. Message: Failure to checkout 5 token(s).

So we can't submit enhacement/defect WIs anymore?

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Dec 02 '11, 4:54 p.m.
You should be able to. Can you try again?

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Dec 02 '11, 4:57 p.m.
Hm, we're apparently having issues with the license token service. There's an outage this evening to fix it up. Please try again after 7:30pm ET.

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Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | answered Dec 04 '11, 4:55 p.m.
Hm, we're apparently having issues with the license token service. There's an outage this evening to fix it up. Please try again after 7:30pm ET.

Just tried to save my new Wi but got the same error about client license token.

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Dec 05 '11, 12:34 a.m.
Sorry, we're experiencing issues with a rogue RQM server consuming DB connections, that is throwing off licensing and other services on the shared JTS.

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