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How to stop being forced logout frequently in 3011 Eclipse C

Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | asked Nov 22 '11, 8:05 a.m.
We just migrated from 2.x to 3011.

Eclipse client users reports that they are continuously forced logout (loss connection) every a few minutes.

This has caused issues like interrupting loading a big component, etc.

How do we stop this via some configuration on either server or client side?

2 answers

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Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | answered Nov 22 '11, 9:55 p.m.
Never seen things like this. Check the server log to see if there is more details.


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Guowei Jim Hu (1.0k910353) | answered Jan 30 '12, 7:49 a.m.
Never seen things like this. Check the server log to see if there is more details.


It is not a server issue. It is caused by the Feeds connections you have on Eclipse client.

It happens when you connect to a project area which you are no longer a member of. The feeds connection become invalid but the default config still make it trying to restore the connection every 5 minutes and bring the repo connection down with it, which is the bug RTC L3 is working on it.

This will hit the RTC admins hard as normal users won't even be able to connct to the project area they are not member of.

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