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Need dashboard to access multiple distinct projects

Lisa Davis (1621) | asked Nov 05 '11, 11:38 a.m.
I need to create a dashboard that show statistics from different distinct projects that have an iteration in common. Is this possible in RTC? (I know about the ability to roll up information from team areas at a project level akready.)

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Nov 06 '11, 5:28 p.m.
I need to create a dashboard that show statistics from different distinct projects that have an iteration in common. Is this possible in RTC? (I know about the ability to roll up information from team areas at a project level akready.)

Hi Lisa

You can display data from multiple projects on the same dashboard - but that info will probably be split into different viewlets, one for each project. You might need to look at something like Rational Insight to gather info across multiple projects or even servers.



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