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CLM migrate and Upgrade

Amit Girme (1132027) | asked Oct 06 '20, 1:43 a.m.

 Hello Everyone,

We have CLM on Windows environmenet with Database as MSSQL Server 2012. We have to migrate the database and CLM to new environment 

Migrate the Database from MSSQL to Oracle
Migrate from Windows to Linux servers

And also we have to upgrade CLM to version 7.0.x. What is the best approach from below to perform mIgration and upgradation of the environment?

 >> Upgrade the applications on existing environment and then migrate to Linux systems?
 >> Migrate the existing environment to linux environment and then perform upgrade activity
 Please note that it also has LQE,DCC,Link index provider and JRS, So just wanted to understand the if there is  a need to run reindexing and full data collections jobs after migration and upgradation? 
 Any documents or links supporting above scenario will be much appreciated.
 Thanks you in Advance!

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 06 '20, 4:58 a.m.


the interactive upgrade guide in the product documentation should contain the steps to do. If you think there is information missing, it would make sense to open a case.

permanent link
Tim Feeney (30745745) | answered Oct 06 '20, 2:39 p.m.

I would tend to deal with the environment/middleware upgrades prior to upgrading ELM versions. However, if you are in need of the 7x functionality to satisfy some business needs, of course, you can upgrade ELM first then do the middleware upgrades later. 

In some cases, you won't be able to upgrade to a later version of middleware until after upgrade. Are you aware of all the platform adds/drops since the version of CLM/ELM you currently have deployed? SQL 2012 is not supported in 7x so you'd at least need to upgrade it to a supported version prior to upgrade.  

Are you using DOORS Next and global configuration management? If so, are you aware of the relative size of your DOORS Next repository (number of requirement artifacts)? See the Guidance on Microsoft SQL Server with DOORS Next section in

See this page for general guidance on planning your 7x upgrade


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