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Using REST API from cURL.

curl -k -L -b <COOKIE_PATH> -c <COOKIE_PATH> <HOST>/oslc/workitems/<WORKITEM_NUM>.xml
But, when the same URL (as used in cURL) is entered in browser I get a valid XML as output with all details as expected.
I am using cURL on my Linux (Ubuntu) laptop.
One answer


I have tried following the technote. I was able to login and create cookie. However, accessing any URL, work item etc. renders HTML content that shows "loading..." and nothing else. Any ideas?

here is a little CURL based script.
it was built on windows, but you get the idea.
this gets all the project names on the server that the user has access to.
set COOKIES=.\cookies.txt
set USER=
set HOST=https://localhost:9743
curl -k -c %cookies% "%host%/jts/authenticated/identity" >nul
curl -k -L -b %COOKIES% -c %COOKIES% -d j_username=%USER% -d j_password=%PASSWORD% "%host%/jts/authenticated/j_security_check" >nul
curl -k -L -b %COOKIES% "%host%/ccm/oslc/workitems/catalog