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Cross project dependcies

Mark Krasovich (51372) | asked Mar 24 '11, 12:39 p.m.

I know how to use the work item dependencies, duplicates, etc. within a project. However, I'm wondering if there is an elegant way to track cross project dependencies? E.G. Team 1 constructs component A, Team 3 constructs component C and D. Component D uses a change set from component A, thus, the possibility exists that some defects will be shared between different teams working on different projects. Is there a way to tie one defect to separate projects? I don't see a way to make a work item dependent, or related, to another project, other than creating a new work item for Team 3 in the above example.

Thanks, Mark

3 answers

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Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | answered Mar 24 '11, 3:41 p.m.
On the links tab, what we have been able to do is do a Add DependsOn and then in the "Select work Items" dialog box, up in the upper-right hand corner I have a drop-down which lists all the Project Areas that I am connected to. So in the Eclipse Client, under "Repository Connections", right-click on your connection and say to Manage connected project areas, add the other project area(s). Then they show up in that dialog and you can select the dependsOn work item from a different project area.

Susan Hanson


I know how to use the work item dependencies, duplicates, etc. within a project. However, I'm wondering if there is an elegant way to track cross project dependencies? E.G. Team 1 constructs component A, Team 3 constructs component C and D. Component D uses a change set from component A, thus, the possibility exists that some defects will be shared between different teams working on different projects. Is there a way to tie one defect to separate projects? I don't see a way to make a work item dependent, or related, to another project, other than creating a new work item for Team 3 in the above example.

Thanks, Mark

permanent link
Jay Graham (4643) | answered Jul 19 '11, 5:30 p.m.
Can a DependsOn relationship be created to a work item in another project area on another repository?

permanent link
Jay Graham (4643) | answered Jul 26 '11, 2:18 p.m.
Using RTC 3.0.1, can a DependsOn relationship be created to a work item in another RTC 3.0.1 project area on another repository?

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