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Access Custom LinkTypes via Java API?

Does anyone know what needs to be done in order to make custom linktypes available through the Java API?
3 answers

The following forum post has some sample code and links to another forum post that may be able to help you: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/84800/how-to-fetch-custom-links-from-a-work-item-using-plain-java-client

Thank you for the reply Lauren. I had used that reference to start with along with related links. I have received one reply from Ralph Schoon mentioning I might need to deploy my link type extension to the Plain Java Client Libraries somehow. I have followed up with a question asking if he knows how to do that deployment. I will ask the same question here, does anyone know how to make new client side process extensions (including new custom linktypes) available to Java apps written against the Plain Java Client API Libraries?

I added the plugin jar to classpath, but because it has no code there is no way to force load it.

Thank you for your reply. Have you investigated using the REST interface? I am starting down that path as a co-worker believes the Visual Studio client relies on the REST interface and it has access to the linktypes (maybe it is just using web parts via REST that know how to work with them...) Not being able to access the linktypes via external programs makes the linktypes less beneficial than we originally hoped.

An update... I tried formulating a REST URL to get the data for a work item with the custom links, and it comes back with the links (in the form of <rtc_cm:{linktype endpoint id} oslc_cm:collref="{url to linked workitem}"/>). So it looks like I will be able to access the custom links via REST. Now I just need to learn how to work with the REST API via Java or Perl...