How to add linefeed or newline in description?
This is RAM version is v7.2.0.1, I have a long string with line feeds characters in it to break the string into a few lines, I have it print the string out on the java console and it appears the linefeed works. But when assign it to newAsset.setDescription(String), on the web client, the description section appear not having any linefeeds or new lines, it appear to be one long string. I have tried both "\n" and "\r\n" and both failed to appear.
This is RAM version is v7.2.0.1, I have a long string with line feeds characters in it to break the string into a few lines, I have it print the string out on the java console and it appears the linefeed works. But when assign it to newAsset.setDescription(String), on the web client, the description section appear not having any linefeeds or new lines, it appear to be one long string. I have tried both "\n" and "\r\n" and both failed to appear.
6 answers
Have you tried encoding it in hex?
BUILD_LABEL = ${build.label}&#xD;&#xA;
BUILD_URL = &lt;a href='${build.url}' target='_blank' &gt; Build Info&lt;a&gt;&#xD;&#xA;
SOURCE_REPOSITORY_ADDRESS = &lt;a href='${src.repository}' target='_blank' &gt; Source Repository&lt;a&gt;&#xD;&#xA;
This is RAM version is v7.2.0.1, I have a long string with line feeds characters in it to break the string into a few lines, I have it print the string out on the java console and it appears the linefeed works. But when assign it to newAsset.setDescription(String), on the web client, the description section appear not having any linefeeds or new lines, it appear to be one long string. I have tried both "\n" and "\r\n" and both failed to appear.
Reply to Chris message:
Did you try it yourself before you suggest this?
I just tried it, it got worst, all appear in Hex codes.
Did you try it yourself before you suggest this?
I just tried it, it got worst, all appear in Hex codes.
Have you tried encoding it in hex?
BUILD_LABEL = ${build.label}&#xD;&#xA;
BUILD_URL = &lt;a href='${build.url}' target='_blank' &gt; Build Info&lt;a&gt;&#xD;&#xA;
SOURCE_REPOSITORY_ADDRESS = &lt;a href='${src.repository}' target='_blank' &gt; Source Repository&lt;a&gt;&#xD;&#xA;
This is RAM version is v7.2.0.1, I have a long string with line feeds characters in it to break the string into a few lines, I have it print the string out on the java console and it appears the linefeed works. But when assign it to newAsset.setDescription(String), on the web client, the description section appear not having any linefeeds or new lines, it appear to be one long string. I have tried both "\n" and "\r\n" and both failed to appear.
No, sorry I didn't try it. It came straight out of one of the examples.
Silly me... :-)
Silly me... :-)
Reply to Chris message:
Did you try it yourself before you suggest this?
I just tried it, it got worst, all appear in Hex codes.
Have you tried encoding it in hex?
BUILD_LABEL = ${build.label}&#xD;&#xA;
BUILD_URL = &lt;a href='${build.url}' target='_blank' &gt; Build Info&lt;a&gt;&#xD;&#xA;
SOURCE_REPOSITORY_ADDRESS = &lt;a href='${src.repository}' target='_blank' &gt; Source Repository&lt;a&gt;&#xD;&#xA;
This is RAM version is v7.2.0.1, I have a long string with line feeds characters in it to break the string into a few lines, I have it print the string out on the java console and it appears the linefeed works. But when assign it to newAsset.setDescription(String), on the web client, the description section appear not having any linefeeds or new lines, it appear to be one long string. I have tried both "\n" and "\r\n" and both failed to appear.